Drug Offences

Need an expert Drug Lawyer?
Gold Coast Drug Lawyer
Brisbane Drug Lawyer
Contact us - (07) 5532 3133
Contact us - (07) 3221 4999
Why use Queensland Drug Lawyers
Our lawyers are experts dedicated to getting you the best possible result!
An affordable low fixed fee means no surprises.
Having a lawyer takes the stress out of your dealings with the police and the courts.
Having a lawyer also means your case is taken seriously and you spend less of your valuable time in court.
You avoid mistakes which can lead to hefty fines and even time in jail!

The Abbott Government has recently signalled its tentative support for clinical trials of medicinal cannabis use for certain chronic and terminal illnesses. These developments may pave the way for the decriminalisation of possessing small amounts of cannabis for legitimate medical need. Read More. For a recent panel discussion about the benefits and risks of medicinal cannabis use on SBS's Insight program, click here.

The Queensland Government has recently passed a new law which requires any person (regardless of age or background) sentenced to imprisonment for drug trafficking to serve 80% of that sentence in actual custody. Politicians routinely use mandatory sentencing to appear "tough on crime". The tragedy is that mandatory sentencing ignores the personal circumstances of the offender, and deprives judges of their power to impose just sentences according to the individual facts of each case. Read More
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Quick Enquiry
If you have been charged with a drug offence it makes sense to make an appointment to speak to an experienced drug lawyer to find out where you stand. Drug Law is complex. Queensland Drug Lawyers know drug law, they deal with the police and the courts every day and can take the stress out of your court appearance. Don't hesitate, contact us and speak to one of our friendly staff today.
Gold Coast Drug Lawyer
Brisbane Drug Lawyer
Gold Coast Drug Lawyer
Director - Drug Lawyer
Brisbane Drug Lawyer
Gold Coast Drug Lawyer
Director - Drug Lawyer
Gold Coast Drug Lawyer